Data is now the cornerstone of advanced research across various fields, including the humanities and social sciences. These disciplines increasingly rely on data, generating new information as evidence or demonstrating innovative practices. To combat research fraud and promote broader dissemination, publication venues now require data sharing. Recognizing the importance of open data environments, it’s crucial to provide scholars with easy access. Despite growing interest, efforts in data aggregation and dissemination remain inconsistent. The Dublin Core Data Institute (DCDI) aims to unite data scientists and scholars, establishing a federated data service to address key challenges and develop comprehensive open data resources for humanities and social science research.
An NKOS Workshop will be held at DCMI 2024, the twenty-second International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, October 20-23, Toronto, Canada. The NKOS Workshop is particularly interested in how knowledge organization systems (KOS) are being used or can be used to make automation intelligent. For example, one problem with LLMs is “hallucinations” where the application generates a response to a prompt that is “correct” but not true. How can KOS be integrated with LLMs to guide their responses so that they do not produce “hallucinations”? The workshop will feature demonstrations from projects working in this exciting area.
Dublin Core introduces openWEMI for community review, a minimally constrained RDF vocabulary based on Work, Expression, Manifestation, and Item (WEMI) concepts. It diverges from IFLA's library-focused approach, offering broader application in metadata modeling and including the Endeavor class and common properties for diverse metadata resources. The vocabulary, with documentation and a turtle file, seeks feedback via GitHub and a mailing list.
B. M. Watson from the University of British Columbia School of Information wins the DCMI 2023 Student Forum Award for their proposal, 'The Trans Metadata Collective' (TMDC). TMDC intends to enhance the representation and inclusion of trans and gender-diverse communities in cultural heritage institutions.
DCMI is providing a new home for SKOS-Thes, a namespace that extends SKOS on the basis of the ISO 25964 data model. The ISO 25964 standard, published in 2011, covers all aspects of developing thesauri and setting up mappings across vocabularies to encourage high quality information retrieval across networked resources.
Niklas Lindström has been appointed as Co-Chair of DCMI Usage Board, which maintains DCMI Metadata Terms and ISO 15836. He is a consultant with a background in web and data technologies, and works as a systems developer at the National Library of Sweden, specializing in linked data structures, semantics, protocols, and interoperability.
It has been proposed that a very small vocabulary with minimally constrained classes and properties representing the concepts of Work, Expression, Manifestation, and Item would benefit anyone designing metadata for created resources. The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) has opened a community group to develop this core vocabulary.
Website of the Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) community moves to
Webinar by Dr. María Poveda-Villalón, scheduled for April 7, 2022, 16:00 UTC. This webinar addresses ontologies for the semantic web and how FAIR principles could be applied to ontologies. This includes metadata best practices and registries to publish the ontologies as Linked Open Vocabularies
The Dublin Core task group on Learning Resource Metadata (LRMI) wishes to receive comments on a new high-level vocabulary for categorizing Learning Resources by type.