DCMI Usage Board

Name: DCMI Usage Board
Type: Committee Operational Group
Status: Active
Charter: The DCMI Usage Board acts as the editorial committee for semantic specifications under the DCMI umbrella.
Moderator/Chair: Tom Baker

The DCMI Usage Board acts as the editorial committee for semantic specifications under the DCMI umbrella. The Usage Board has curated DCMI Metadata Terms since 2001 and serves as the maintenance agency for the international standard ISO 15836. More recently, the Usage Board has taken on responsibility for vocabularies of LRMI (Learning Resource Metadata Innovation) and the Bibliographic Ontology (BIBO).

The members of the Usage Board constitute a pool of experts on which DCMI may draw, as needed, for specific tasks. In 2018, the Usage Board completed a review of DCMI Metadata Terms in collaboration with a working group of ISO TC46/SC4 in drafting ISO 15836, Part 2, "DCMI Properties and classes", formal publication of which is expected in 2019. In 2019, the task group for DCMI Metadata continues its evaluation DCMI Metadata Terms in light of accumulated practice and implementation experience and will turn its attention to publishing mappings to other vocabularies.

Members of the public wishing to raise issues with regard to DCMI Metadata Terms, LRMI vocabularies, or BIBO may do so by posting on the Usage Board issue tracker on Github or writing to the contact address, listed below.

Members in 2023

  • Tom Baker (DCMI) - Co-Chair, DCMI Usage Board
  • Niklas Lindström (National Library of Sweden) - Co-Chair, DCMI Usage Board
  • Anna Kasprzik (ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, Germany)
  • Antoine Isaac (Europeana, Netherlands)
  • Bruce d'Arcus - contact person for Bibliographic Ontology (BIBO)
  • Dan Brickley (Google, USA)
  • Haliza Jailani (National Library Board, Singapore)
  • Joe Tennis (University of Washington, USA)
  • Karen Coyle (consultant, USA)
  • Nishad Thalhath (DCMI)
  • Osma Suominen (National Library of Finland, Finland)
  • Phil Barker - contact person for the LRMI Task Group
  • Sangeun Han (KAIST, Korea)
  • Sarah Hartmann (German National Library, Germany)
  • Stefanie Ruehle (State and University Library Göttingen, Germany)
  • Valentine Charles (Europeana, Netherlands)

Usage Board History

Following the long and sometimes contentious discussions within an ad-hoc Usage Committee that resulted in the publication in July 2000 of Dublin Core™ qualifiers, DCMI recognized a need for the ongoing development of Dublin Core™ to be managed by a stable committee on the basis of well-understood principles. The new Usage Board, which held its first face-to-face meeting in May 2001, met once or twice per year through 2009 and held occasional teleconferences through 2012. After a hiatus of six years, the Usage Board was revived in 2018 to review change proposals submitted by the ISO committee responsible for preparing ISO 15836-2:2019, "DCMI Properties and Classes".