News from 2003
The Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative will hold its annual conference on Oct.11-14, 2004 at the Shanghai Library, in Shanghai China. The 2004 conference is sponsored in partnership with the Shanghai Library.
The DCMI Usage Board is pleased to announce the to the addition of two new terms, "Moving Image" and "Still Image", to the DCMI Type Vocabulary.
In a second batch after DC-2003, the Advisory Board has approved revised charters of the Accessibility, Education, Global Corporate Circle, Government, Registry and User Documentation Working Groups.
The DCMI Directorate is pleased to announce that the Expressing Dublin Core™ in HTML/XHTML meta and link elements is now a DCMI Recommendation.
Following the DC-2003 workshop sessions, several Working Groups have been revising their charters. The revised charters of the Citation, Collection Description, and Libraries Working Groups have been approved by the Advisory Board over the last month, and revised charters of the Accessibility, Agents, Education, Government, Registies, Tools and User Documentation Working Groups are under discussion.
In the last two months, a number of new chairs have been appointed. Andy Powell (UKOLN, UK) is the new chair of the Architecture Working Group; Stu Weibel (OCLC, USA) replaces José Borbinha (National Library of Portugal) as co-chair of the Agents Working Group; Helen Josephine (Intel Library, USA) and Sarah Rice (Seneb Consulting, USA) are the new co-chairs of the Global Corporate Circle; John Roberts (Archives New Zealand) replaces Andrew Wilson (National Archives of Australia) as co-chair of the Government Working Group; Karen Rollitt (National Library of New Zealand) replaces Olga Barysheva (National Library of Russia) as co-chair of the Localization and Internationalization Working Group; and Robina Clayphan (The British Library, UK) replaces Rebecca Guenther (Library of Congress, USA) as chair of the Libraries Working Group.
The DCMI Usage Board held its sixth bi-annual meeting on 27-28 September in Seattle. Topics discussed included the finalization of a decision to add "Moving Image" and "Still Image" to the DCMI Type Vocabulary; user-oriented guidance such as "Using Dublin Core™", "Guidelines for Dublin Core™ Application Profiles", and the "AskDCMI" service; the registration and identification of encoding schemes; the use of MARC Relator terms as refinements of dc:contributor; and a draft Abstract Model under discussion on the DC-Architecture list.
The Proposed Recommendation Expressing Dublin Core™ in HTML/XHTML meta and link elements is available for Public Comment from 3 through 30 November 2003.
The DCMI Advisory Board, in its meeting in Seattle on 3 October 2003, discussed and approved proposals for changes in DCMI Working Groups.
DCMI and Shanghai Library are pleased to announce that the 2004 Dublin Core™ Annual Conference will be held from 11 through 14 October 2004 at the Shanghai Library.