Bad Data: Histories of Museum Documentation and the Work of Repair

Hannah Turner
This webinar will consider some current case studies in museum documentation and question what ‘bad’ data actually is in museum records, and how individuals are working with and against institutional norms in documentation. Using examples from British Columbia, I will trace how calling data ‘bad’ is both a moral claim about the nature of information and trustworthiness; but also a very practical lament concerning traditional museum record keeping practices.
Centering LGBTQ+ Voices in Catalog Research

Brian Dobreski, Karen Snow
Libraries are addressing barriers faced by marginalized communities through improved catalog metadata. The Inclusive Catalog Use Lab (ICUL) focuses on user-based research to understand LGBTQ+ needs. Dr. Karen Snow and Dr. Brian Dobreski will share ICUL’s findings, highlighting user studies, focus groups, and solutions to support inclusive access for diverse communities.
On the Duality of Provenance Metadata

Amelia Acker
Explore how metadata is exploited to craft deceptive narratives and influence public discourse on platforms. Explore tactics used by bad actors to manipulate social media and evade content moderation by obfuscating provenance information. Understand metadata's duality in preventing data misuse and its exploitation for disinformation campaigns. Discover connections between responsible data management in open access and potential misuse. Information professionals and researchers play a crucial role by promoting data literacy and critical engagement with digital content.
Metadata in Scholarly Research: Collection, Management, and Standardization

Matt Mayernik
In this webinar, Dr. Mayernik will discuss findings and insights from multiple projects focused on metadata collection, management, and standardization within the context of scientific data curation. The webinar will discuss important socio-technical dynamics that influence what metadata get generated in different situations, and how data archives and repositories work to ensure quality and standardization.
AI & NLP for Open-Source Archival Linked Data Workflows

Jennifer Proctor
Join our webinar to harness AI and NLP for efficient archival linked data creation. Explore computer vision, NLP, and Python techniques to transform metadata into linked data, saving time and uncovering hidden collection details. Gain insights on tools for automatic data generation, appreciate the value of linked data in rediscovery, and learn its role as a new gateway to your collections.
Critical Data Modeling

Karen M. Wickett
In this DCMI webinar, Dr Karen Wickett will present critical data modeling: the use of data modeling and systems analysis techniques to build critical interrogations of information systems. Dr Wickett will describe the results of critical data modeling of a police arrest record dataset and discuss how conceptual modeling can help us synthesize critical information studies and identify new opportunities for modeling and critique.
Getting Started With SQLite

Nishad Thalhath
SQLite is a powerful relational database engine widely used in many applications. SQLite is the most used database engine in the world and implements most of the SQL standards. This webinar will cover the features of SQLite, the basics of SQL, the SQLite file format, the SQLite command line interface, and popular tools for managing and interacting with SQLite databases.
Linking Challenges for Pseudonyms

Charlene Chou
This presentation examines and explores how to improve the linking relationships of persons with more than one identity in VIAF, LCNAF (LC National Authority File) and Wikidata through definition comparisons and case studies in terms of the semantic web.
Querying Wikidata: All the Knowledge in the World

Daniel Garijo Verdejo
Knowledge Graphs have become a common asset for representing world knowledge in data driven models and applications. Wikidata is one of the largest crowdsourced Knowledge Graphs, with over 90 million entities and 1.5 billion edges.
Centering Relationality in Indigenous Knowledge Organization

Sandy Littletree
In this talk, Dr. Littletree will discuss a conceptual framework that centers on the concept of relationality, a framework that can be used to understand Indigenous systems of knowledge in the LIS context.
Applying FAIR Principles to Ontologies

María Poveda-Villalón
About the webinar This webinar addresses ontologies for the semantic web and how FAIR principles could be applied to ontologies. This includes metadata best practices and registries to publish the ontologies as Linked Open Vocabularies.
Natural history data curation: maintaining infrastructures and turning documents into datasets.

Andrea Thomer
About the webinar Natural history collections constitute an important and complex knowledge infrastructure. The heterogeneous data in these collections include specimens, genomes, field notes, ecological monitoring data, and more -- all of which have huge potential for reuse in biodiversity, medicine, climate science, agriculture, and many other domains.
Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities: Global Perspectives

Koraljka Golub, Ying-Hsang Liu
This webinar, organized by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Education Committee, will provide an overview of and reflections on the edited book, Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities: Global Perspectives.
Introduction to OpenRefine

Elizabeth Wickes
About the webinar OpenRefine is a freely available desktop application for cleaning and processing data. This webinar will introduce the basic features of OpenRefine and discuss its use in some common scenarios for metadata cleaning and improvement.
Modeling Intangible Entities in the Cultural Domains for Digital Archiving

Shigeo Sugimoto
About the webinar There is a variety of new cultural domains for which we need to design metadata schemas. It is widely recognized that data models are crucial to design metadata schemas – we need to identify objects for which we create metadata.
Introduction to the DDI Metadata Standard

Jane Fry, Arofan Gregory, Jared Lyle, Barry Radler
About the webinar In this presentation, we discuss the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) standard for describing the data produced by surveys and other observational methods in the social, behavioral, economic, and health sciences.
Introduction to KNIME

Magnus Pfeffer, Kai Eckert
KNIME Analytics Platform is an open source software for working with all kinds of data. It uses visual workflows that are created with an intuitive, drag and drop style graphical interface, without the need for coding.

Lei Sa / 萨蕾, Cuijuan Xia / 夏翠娟, Zhiqiang Wang / 王志强, Ruhua Huang / 黄如花, Lu An / 安璐
本次网络研讨会题为“中国元数据发展:多领域应用及实践途径”, 于2020年8月29日举办。会议由武汉大学信息管理学院、武汉大学宣传部、都柏林核心元数据创始计划(DCMI)教育委员会和中国图书馆学会学术委员会共同主办,武汉大学信息管理学院承办。会议使用中文进行主旨演讲、中英双语PPT呈现,萨蕾(国家图书馆)、夏翠娟(上海图书馆)、王志强(中国标准化研究院)、黄如花(中国图书馆学会、武汉大学)以及安璐(武汉大学)五位专家在会上做主旨报告。本次研讨会的中文视频以及英文同声传译视频录像可于DCMI教育委员会YouTube频道观看。
Metadata Development in China

Lei Sa / 萨蕾, Cuijuan Xia / 夏翠娟, Zhiqiang Wang / 王志强, Ruhua Huang / 黄如花, Lu An / 安璐
"Metadata Development in China", a webinar held on 29 August 2020, was co-organized by Wuhan University, the DCMI Education Committee, and the Library Society of China and hosted by the School of Information Management at Wuhan University.
Introduction to the W3C Data Catalog Ontology (DCAT)

Peter Winstanley
The W3C Data Catalogue ontology (DCAT) is a recommendation for how to publish data catalogues on the web. It can be used by itself, of form the basis of a richer application profile.
Getty Vocabulary Program’s OpenRefine reconciliation service

Jonathan Ward
This webinar will be a tutorial on the Getty Vocabulary Program’s new OpenRefine reconciliation service for aligning data records to ULAN, AAT, and TGN, including matching terms, cleaning data, and grabbing URIs from the Vocabularies’ Linked Open Data.
Wikiproject COVID-19

Tiago Lubiana
The Wikiproject COVID-19 is working to curate and organization information about COVID-19 on Wikidata and Wikipedia. The scale and pace of a global pandemic have highlighted issues around the consistent structuring of information, such as the scope of geographically-bound statements and the time period of outbreaks, along with challenges for quickly updating information on pages across multiple languages.
SKOS - visión general y modelado de vocabularios controlados

Antoine Isaac, Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez
SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization Systems) es la recomendación del W3C para representar y publicar conjuntos de datos de clasificaciones, tesauros, encabezamientos de materia, glosarios y otros tipos de vocabularios controlados y sistemas de organización del conocimiento.
SKOS - Overview and Modeling of Controlled Vocabularies

Antoine Isaac, Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez
SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization Systems) is the recommendation of the W3C to represent and publish datasets for classifications, thesauri, subject headings, glossaries and other types of controlled vocabularies and knowledge organization systems in general.
The Current State of Automated Content Tagging: Dangers and Opportunities

Joseph Busch
There are real opportunities to use technology to automate content tagging, and there are real dangers that automated content tagging will sometimes inappropriately promote and obscure content.
The Role of Dublin Core™ Metadata in the Expanding Digital and Analytical Skill Set Required by Data-Driven Organisations

Steve Brewer
Many areas of our world are being subject to digitalisation as leaders and policymakers embrace the possibilities that can be harnessed through the capturing and exploiting of data.
Introduction to Metadata Application Profiles

Karen Coyle
Successful data sharing requires that users of your data understand the data format, the data semantics, and the rules that govern your particular use of terms and values.
Understanding and Testing Models with ShEx

Eric Prud’hommeaux, Tom Baker
Every structured exchange requires consensus about the structure. The Shape Expressions (ShEx) language captures these structures in an intuitive and powerful syntax.
A Linked Data Competency Framework for Educators and Learners

Marcia Zeng
Linked Data is recognized as one of the underpinnings for open data, open science, and data-driven research and learning in the Semantic Web era.
Save the Children Resource Libraries: Aligning Internal Technical Resource Libraries with a Public Distribution Website

Joseph Busch, Branka Kosovac
Save the Children (STC) is an international NGO that promotes children’s rights, provides relief and helps support children across the globe.
How to Design Build Semantic Applications with Linked Data

Dave Clarke
This webinar will demonstrate how to design and build rich end-user search and discovery applications using Linked Data. The Linked Open Data cloud is a rapidly growing collection of publicly accessible resources, which can be adopted and reused to enrich both internal enterprise projects and public-facing information systems.
Me4MAP: Um método para o desenvolvimento de perfis de aplicação de metadados

Mariana Curado Malta
Um perfil de aplicação de metadados (MAP) é um constructo que fornece um modelo semântico para publicação de dados na Web de Dados.
Me4MAP - A method for the development of metadata application profiles

Mariana Curado Malta
A metadata application profile (MAP) is a construct that provides a semantic model for enhancing interoperability when publishing to the Web of Data.
Nailing Jello to a Wall: Metrics, Frameworks, and Existing Work for Metadata Assessment

Christina Harlow
With the increasing number of repositories, standards and resources we manage for digital libraries, there is a growing need to assess, validate and analyze our metadata - beyond our traditional approaches such as writing XSD or generating CSVs for manual review.
Data on the Web Best Practices: Challenges and Benefits

Bernadette Farias Lóscio, Caroline Burle dos Santos Guimarães, Newton Calegari
There is a growing interest in the publication and consumption of data on the Web. Government and non-governmental organizations already provide a variety of data on the Web, some open, others with access restrictions, covering a variety of domains such as education, economics, ECommerce and scientific data.
Boas Práticas para Dados na Web: Desafios e Benefícios

Bernadette Farias Lóscio, Caroline Burle dos Santos Guimarães, Newton Calegari
Existe um interesse crescente na publicação e consumo de dados na Web. Organizações governamentais e não-governamentais já disponibilizam uma variedade de dados na Web, alguns abertos, outros com restrições de acesso, abrangendo diversos domínios como educação, economia, segurança, patrimônio cultural, eCommerce e dados científicos.
From MARC silos to Linked Data silos? Data models for bibliographic Linked Data

Osma Suominen
Many libraries are experimenting with publishing their metadata as Linked Data to open up bibliographic silos, usually based on MARC records, to the Web.
Modelado y publicación de los vocabularios controlados del proyecto UNESKOS

Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez
Se presentan los procesos de modelado y publicación de los vocabularios del proyecto UNESKOS aplicando tecnologías de la Web Semántica. Más específicamente, los vocabularios representados son el Tesauro de la UNESCO y la Nomenclatura de Ciencia y Tecnología.
SKOS in Two Parts - Part 2: Publishing SKOS concept schemes with Skosmos

Joachim Neubert, Osma Suominen
In the past seven years, SKOS has become a widely recognized and used common interchange format for thesauri, classifications, and other types of vocabularies.
SKOS in Two Parts - Part 1: Change Tracking in Knowledge Organization Systems with skos-history

Joachim Neubert, Osma Suominen
In the past seven years, SKOS has become a widely recognized and used common interchange format for thesauri, classifications, and other types of vocabularies.
Linked Data Fragments: Querying multiple Linked Data sources on the Web

Ruben Verbourg
The dream of Linked Data: if we just get our data online, the promised Semantic Web will eventually rise. Everybody will be able to query our data with minimal effort.
Creating Content Intelligence: Harmonized Taxonomy & Metadata in the Enterprise Context

Stephanie Lemieux
Many organizations have content dispersed across multiple independent repositories, often with a real lack of metadata consistency. The attention given to enterprise data is often not extended to unstructured content, widening the gap between the two worlds and making it near impossible to provide accurate business intelligence, good user experience, or even basic findability.
Schema.org: Part 2: Extending Potential and Possibilities

Richard Wallis
In this second more technical webinar in the series, Independent Consultant, Richard Wallis, explains the Schema.org extension mechanism, for external and reviewed/hosted extensions, and their relationship to the core Schema.
Schema.org: Part 1 - Fit For a Bibliographic Purpose

Richard Wallis
In this first webinar in the series, Independent Consultant, Richard Wallis, traces the history of the Schema.org vocabulary, plus its applicability to the bibliographic domain.
Implementing Linked Data in Low-Resource Conditions

Johannes Keizer, Caterina Caracciolo
Opening up and linking data is becoming a priority for many data producers because of institutional requirements, or to consume data in newer applications, or simply to keep pace with current development.
OpenAIRE Guidelines: Promoting Repositories Interoperability and Supporting Open Access Funder Mandates

Pedro Príncipe, Jochen Schirrwagen
The OpenAIRE Guidelines for Data Source Managers provide recommendations and best practices for encoding of bibliographic information in OAI metadata. They have adopted established standards for different classes of content providers: (1) Dublin Core™ for textual publications in institutional and thematic repositories; (2) DataCite Metadata Kernel for research data repositories; and (3) CERIF-XML for Current Research Information Systems.
Digital Preservation Metadata and Improvements to PREMIS in Version 3.0

Angela Dappert
The PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata is the international standard for metadata to support the preservation of digital objects and ensure their long-term usability.
From 0 to 60 on SPARQL queries in 50 minutes (Redux)

Ethan Gruber
This webinar provides an introduction to SPARQL, a query language for RDF. Users will gain hands on experience crafting queries, starting simply, but evolving in complexity.
Approaches to Making Dynamic Data Citable: Recommendations of the RDA Working Group

Andreas Rauber
Being able to reliably and efficiently identify entire or subsets of data in large and dynamically growing or changing datasets constitutes a significant challenge for a range of research domains.
VocBench 2.0: A Web Application for Collaborative Development of Multilingual Thesauri

Caterina Caracciolo, Armando Stellato
VocBench is a web-based platform for the collaborative maintenance of multilingual thesauri. VocBench is an open source project, developed in the context of a collaboration between the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO) and the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
The Libhub Initiative: Increasing the Web Visibility of Libraries

Eric Miller
As a founding sponsor, Zepheira's introduction of the Libhub Initiative creates an industry-wide focus on the collective visibility of libraries and their resources on the Web.
The Learning Resource Metadata Initiative, describing learning resources with schema.org, and more?

Lorna Campbell, Phil Barker
The Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI) is a collaborative initiative that aims to make it easier for teachers and learners to find educational materials through major search engines and specialized resource discovery services.
How to pick the low hanging fruits of Linked Data

Seth Van Hooland, Ruben Verbourg
The concept of Linked Data has gained momentum over the past few years, but the understanding and the application of its principles often remain problematic.
Schema.org and Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Publishing Data

Dan Brickley
Schema.org - a collaboration of the Google, Yahoo!, and Bing search engines -- provides a way to include structured data in Web pages.
Taking Library Data From Here to There

Karen Coyle
Libraries have been creating metadata for resources for well over a century. The good news is that library metadata is rules-based and that the library cataloging community has built up a wealth of knowledge about publications, their qualities, and the users who seek them.