Webinar: Creating Content Intelligence: Harmonized Taxonomy & Metadata in the Enterprise Context

Many organizations have content dispersed across multiple independent repositories, often with a real lack of metadata consistency. The attention given to enterprise data is often not extended to unstructured content, widening the gap between the two worlds and making it near impossible to provide accurate business intelligence, good user experience, or even basic findability. How do you bring all those disparate efforts together to create content intelligence across the organization? This webinar will describe the benefits and challenges in developing metadata and taxonomy across multiple functional areas, creating a unified Enterprise Content Architecture (ECA). Hear Stephanie Lemieux, President and Primary Consultant at Dovecot Studio, talk about real enterprise metadata and taxonomy harmonization projects in different contexts, including a greeting card company, a media company, an automotive manufacturer and a consumer food manufacturer. See how they worked to harmonize across a number of diverse systems that supported multiple functions, from creative processes to manufacturing to reporting. For more information about the webinar and to register, go to http://dublincore.org/resources/#2016lemieux.