News from 2014
DCMI is pleased to announce the inaugural chairs of the Advisory Board's new standing committees. Ana Alice Baptista, University of Minho, Portugal, and Wei (Keven) Liu, Shanghai Library will serve as co-chairs of the Education & Outreach Committee.
The deadline for submission of full papers, project reports and posters to the peer reviewed program for DC-2014 in Austin, Texas has been extended by two weeks to 17 May 2014.
The Texas Digital Library and the Conference Committee for DC-2014 in Austin Texas in October are pleased to offer a limited number of sponsors the opportunity to present themselves directly to the conference participants and to a global audience beyond the conference venue.
DCMI is pleased to announce the completion of the restructuring of its governance and management. The first phase of the structuring was complete in June 2013 when DCMI ceased operations as a Company Limited by Guarantee in Singapore and became a project of ASIS&T.
A DCMI Regional Meeting will be held in London jointly with partners ISKO-UK and BCS/IRSG (aka the UK Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization and the Information Retrieval Special Interest Group of the Chartered Institute for IT, respectively) on Monday 23 June 2014.
DCMI is pleased to announce the appointment of Kai Eckert as Co-Chair of the Usage Board. Kai currently serves as a Postdoctoral Researcher with the Research Group Data and Web Science at University of Mannheim.