DC-2003 Conference & Workshop Call for Papers
Contributed Papers Deadline: May 3, 2003
The DC-2003 Conference and Workshop will be held in Seattle, Washington, USA on 28 September 2003 through 2 October 2003. The Bell Harbor International Conference Center has been chosen as the Conference and Workshop venue. Two pre-conference workshops are in planning: (1) Metadata and Search sponsored by the DCMI Global Corporate Circle, and (2) Meta data Primer sponsored by the Information School of the University of Washington.
The DC-2003 Conference & Workshop will consist of the following tracks and activities:
- The Conference Track consists of peer-reviewed papers and posters reporting on both original and applied research. The scope of matters addressed by the contributed papers is not confined to the Dublin Core™ metadata element set but extends across all metadata schemas and application domains.
- The Workshop Track features technical meetings for the ongoing work of the DCMI Working Groups.
- The Tutorial Track provides structured learning activities designed to introduce participants to select topics of interest to users, developers, and implementers of Dublin Core™ metadata.
- The DC-Lab provides implementers of services and tools in the metadata community the opportunity to informally showcase their applications on a scheduled, but informal basis in the DC-2003 wireless network lab.