News from 2000
A new draft of the Dublin Core™ Metadata Element set is now available for comment by the general public as well as for ballot by NISO voting members.
The DCMI announced today the formal recommendation of the Dublin Core™ Qualifiers. The addition of the DC Qualifiers enhances the semantic precision of the existing DC Metadata Element Set.
The DCMI Type Vocabulary provides a general, cross-domain list of approved terms that may be used as values for the Resource Type element to identify the genre of a resource.
A specification for a point location in space and methods for encoding this in a text string.
A specification of the limits of a time interval and methods for encoding this in a text string.
A syntax for writing a list of label values in a text string.
A specification of the spatial limits of a place and methods for encoding this in a text string.
DC-dot now provides support for the W3C XHTML 1.0 Recommendations. This service will retrieve a Web page and automatically generate Dublin Core™ metadata suitable for embedding in the page.
The Online Dublin Core™ Extraction service uses XSLT to extract RDF Dublin Core™ metadata from XHTML pages.
The Italian translation was done by ICCU (Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information). ICCU is responsible for setting guidelines and for producing and disseminating standard national and international cataloguing rules covering all types of materials.