Public Broadcasting Metadata Directory, based on Dublin Core, to be launched

The inaugural version of the Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary (PBcore), a standard way to describe all public broadcasting content based on Dublin Core™ metadata, is being finalized for the launch of version 1.0 in September 2004.

The origins of the Dublin Core™ are firmly grounded in cross disciplinary discovery -- providing a core metadata set that others would find useful as a basis for interoperabity, and yet be able to extend to meet more elaborate requirements. PBCore is a great example of such real-world deployment by one the most prestigious news community in the United States.

PBCore was developed under the auspices of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and benefited from consultation with DC practitioners and review by the DCMI Usage Board. Congratulations to the PBCore team, and to those in our community who contributed their time and effort to help bring this initiative to fruition. Read more...