Institutional Members

Annual Fee (Regular):US$3,000
Governance Structure:Voting

An Institutional Member is a public entity, not-for-profit organization, governmental agency, or for-profit company. Institutional Members need not be incorporated entities if otherwise recognized by DCMI. An Institutional Member may be an entity within the "Locale of influence" of a DCMI Regional Member. Institutional Members play a key role in DCMI governance through the active participation of their respective Representatives in the deliberations and decisions of the Governing Board.


  1. Institutional Members appoint a voting representative to the Governing Board and participate in governance deliberations and decisions;
  2. Institutional Members receive one free registration for the annual international conference for the Institutional Member representative (and additional registrations at a discount). Access to DCMI webinars are free for the Institutional Member representative;
  3. The logos of Institutional Members appear on the DCMI website, DCMI annual conference and regional meetings websites and are linked to the Members' homepages;
  4. Institutional Member membership and renewals are announced on the DCMI website, on DCMI social media channels, and RSS feed;
  5. Institutional Members may use the DCMI "Institutional Member" logo on their websites and in other Institutional Member-related media;
  6. Institutional Members can provide information (brochures and other media) to be included in DCMI annual conference delegate bags and on USB memory drives containing the conference proceedings;
  7. Early availability of DCMI 'preview content' (e.g., pre-publication of online tutorials) for the Institutional Member representative;
  8. Select Institutional Member-organized event presentations can be arranged at DCMI annual meeting;
  9. Institutional Member-initiated regional events can be co-organized with DCMI (to the extent DCMI resources permit); and
  10. Institutional Members may use the DCMI "Institutional Member" logo on their websites and in other Institutional Member-related media.


  1. Payment of a fixed annual fee on or before the anniversary date of the Institutional Member membership;
  2. Institutional Member representatives actively participate in DCMI governance through contribution to Governing Board deliberations and voting; and
  3. Institutional Members actively advocate for and advance the well-being of DCMI through the identification of new members in all DCMI membership categories.

Current members in this category

Name DCMI Governing Board Member
Brandeis University
Stanford University Libraries
University of Porto
National Library of Sweden Fredrik Klingwall
CEDIA Juan Pablo Carvallo
Göttingen State and University Library Stefanie Rühle Dan Brickley
Shanghai Library Wei Liu
Simmons University Kyong Eun Oh
The National Library of Portugal Helena Patrício
UNESP Flávia Bastos
University of Edinburgh Alasdair MacDonald
ZBW Klaus Tochtermann