DCMI Global Corporate Circle

DCMI Global Corporate Circle Bibliography

Dublin Core™ Publications

Caughey, L. and Mathis, R. (2005). "Metadata Model for Electronic Images". Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference in Systems Science. Waikoloa, HI: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Metadata Resources

Resources related to the return on investment (ROI) of using metadata in a corporate environment. Please feel free to add additional items to this list.

J. E. Bentley. "Metadata: Everyone talks about it, but what is it?" Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual SAS Users Group International Conference. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc., 2001. http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi26/p125-26.pdf. Last checked 1/30/05. "For business users, metadata improves the accessibility, quality, credibility, and usability of a data warehouse in multiple ways."

D. Berlind. "Taxonomy today, ROI tomorrow." April 11, 2004. David Berlind's Reality Check (ZDNet column). http://techupdate.zdnet.com/techupdate/stories/main/Taxonomy_today,_ROI_tomorrow.html "According to Gartner analyst Rita Knox, wrapping data and knowledge in metadata-based frameworks reduces the time needed to retrieve that information, thereby freeing up enterprises' most precious resource--time--for allocation to tasks that deliver real value, such as creating, servicing, and selling."

J. Busch, K. Forsberg and M. Dekkers. Guidance for the deployment of Dublin Core™ metadata in corporate environment: Draft CWA. (October 2004) ftp://ftp.cenorm.be/PUBLIC/CWAs/draft/mmi-dc-corporate-draft-cwa.pdf. Last checked 1/17/05.

CIO Council. "What every CIO needs to know about metadata." (February 1999). http://21cfrpart11.com/files/library/miscellaneous/metadata_cio_council0299.pdf. Last checked 1/30/05. "The alternative to metadata management is information chaos."

A. Crystal and P. Land. Metadata and Search: Global Corporate Circle DCMI 2003 Workshop Report. (October 2003) http://dublincore.org/groups/corporate/Seattle/.

M. Doane. "Metadata, search, and meaningful ROI." Presentation at Global Corporate Circle DCMI 2003 Workshop. (October 2003.) http://dublincore.org/groups/corporate/Seattle/Circles-Workshop-Papers/DC2003-Doane.ppt. Last checked 1/30/05.

R. Dornfest, D. Brickley. "The Power of Metadata." OReilley P2P, Jan. 18, 2001. http://www.openp2p.com/pub/a/p2p/2001/01/18/metadata.html. Last checked 1/3/05. Explains exactly what is metadata for the peer-to-peer audience. Argues for a coherent metadata framework based on commonalities, and to support searching for resources on the Web.

Dublin Core™ Metadata Inititative. DCMI metadata terms. 2004-12-20. http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/. Last checked 1/3/05. The Dublin Core™ is a simple metadata element set intended to facilitate discovery of electronic resources. This document is an up-to-date specification of all metadata terms maintained by the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative, including elements, element refinements, encoding schemes, and vocabulary terms (the DCMI Type Vocabulary: http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/#H5).

L. Dubois. Data quality supplies ROI metrics." (Undated) http://www.businessintelligence.com/ex/asp/code.93/xe/article.htm. Last checked 1/30/05. Discusses an approach to increasing ROI through data quality, including metadata. "With systems in place to ensure the good health of a companys data and metadata, the enterprise has the quality blueprints it needs to enable new data dependant initiatives and derive strong ROI metrics."

K. Forsberg and L. Dannstedt. "Extensible use of RDF in a business context." 33:1-6 Computer Networks Issues (June 2000) 347-364. Presented at the 9th International World Wide Web Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (2000) http://www9.org/w9cdrom/323/323.html.

International Federation of Library Associations. Digital libraries: Metadata resources. Last revised Feb 5, 2002. http://www.ifla.org/II/metadata.htm/. Last checked 1/3/05. IFLA collection of Internet metadata resources.

B. Lider and A. Mosoiu. Building a metadata-based website. Boxes and Arrows (April 21, 2003) http://www.boxesandarrows.com/archives/building_a_metadatabased_website.php. Last checked 1/3/05. SBI/Razorfish consultants describe when and how to develop ontology-driven website navigation.

D. Marco. "Meta data and data administration: Meta data ROI: Making your IT department better, stronger, faster." DM Review Online (September 2000). http://www.dmreview.com/article_sub.cfm?articleID=2630. Last checked 1/30/05. The first of three columns on "specifically defining how meta data can increase revenue and decrease expenses in your corporation's information technology (IT) department."

D. Marco. "Meta data and data administration: Meta data ROI: A competitive advantage. DM Review Online (October 2000) http://www.dmreview.com/article_sub.cfm?articleID=2734. Last checked 1/30/05. Part two of a three-part series of columns on metadata ROI.

D. Marco. "Meta data and data administration: Meta data ROI: Specific guidelines for your company." DM Review Online(November 2000) http://www.dmreview.com/article_sub.cfm?articleID=2161. Last checked 1/30/05. Part three of a three-part series of columns on defining the ROI that a metadata repository can bring.

D. Stacey. "Metadata best practices: Getting metadata into the development cycle. An interview with Doug Stacey of Allstate Insurance." Data Discussions (March 24, 2004). http://www.wilshireconferences.com/interviews/stacey.htm. Last checked 1/30/05. R. T. Stephens. Broken windows, data quality, and the future of meta data. DM Review Online (May 21, 2004). http://www.dmreview.com/article_sub.cfm?articleID=1003792. Last checked 1/30/05.

R. T. Stephens. The Five disciplines of data. DM Review Online (February 19, 2004). http://www.dmreview.com/article_sub.cfm?articleID=8135. Last checked 1/30/05.

R. T. Stephens. Meta data is the great big book of everything. DM Review Online (January 22, 2004). http://www.dmreview.com/article_sub.cfm?articleID=8014. Last checked 1/30/05.

R. T. Stephens. The metadata brand map. IRM UK's Strategic IT Newsletter (January 2004).

R. T. Stephens. The meta data experience. Data Management Review Online (March 18, 2004). http://www.dmreview.com/article_sub.cfm?articleID=1000275. Last checked 1/30/05.

R. T. Stephens. One of the biggest secrets in meta data delivery. The Data Administration Newsletter (Jan. 2004) http://www.tdan.com/i027fe02.htm.

R. T. Stephens. A Passion for metadata-An interview with Todd Stephens of BellSouth. In: Data Discussions, 2003. http://www.wilshireconferences.com/interviews/Stephens.htm. Last checked 1/3/05. Discusses work of BellSouth Metadata Services Group (MSG) which researches, designs and implements enterprise metadata strategy using standards including Dublin Core™.

E. Stewart. Metadata for Interoperability in the Global Corporate Environment: Global Corporate Circle DCMI 2004 Pre-Conference Workshop. http://dublincore.org/groups/corporate/shanghai/. Last checked 1/17/05.

A. Tannenbaum. "Metadata solutions and their return on investment." (Undated). http://www.dbdsolutions.com/DBDS/publication/Metadata%20Solutions%20and%20their%20Return%20on%20Investment.pdf. Last checked 1/30/05. From Adrienne Tannenbaum, president of Database Design Solutions (www.dbds.com), a description of three types of metadata design solutions. "Measuring the return on an organizations metadata solution investment, otherwise known as the ROI, requires the calculation of the specific investment cost, typically, quite tangible, as well as the projected savings or increased earnings, often quite intangible. The investment is then evaluated against projected savings/earnings."

J. Ward. Unqualified Dublin Core™ usage in OAI-PMH data providers. 20:1 OCLC Systems & Services (2004) 40-47.

Intellectual Capital

P. Arveson. What is the balanced scorecard? 1998. http://www.balancedscorecard.org/basics/bsc1.html

Dr. Nick Bontis. "Assessing Knowledge Assets: A Review of the Models Used to Measure Intellectual Capital" 2000. http://www.business.mcmaster.ca/mktg/nbontis/ic/publications/BontisIJMR.pdf

Dr. Jac Fitz-enz. The ROIof Human Capital: Measuring the Economic Value of Employee Performance. American Management Association. May 1, 2000. Human Capital Source. http://www.humancapitalsource.com/about.html

Arturo Medrano L. Método de Contabilización de IC de Ante Pulic , Centro de Sistemas de Conocimiento 5/02/00 (English) http://webcsc.mty.itesm.mx/cgi-bin/csc/HN_sc116_abr2000/get/teorias_valor_medida/1.html

Pisello and Strassmann. "IT Value Chain Management – Maximizing the ROI from IT Investments: Performance metrics and management methodologies every IT stakeholder should know." CIO Magazine. Oct. 02, 2003 http://searchcio.techtarget.com/searchCIO/downloads/ITValueChainManagement_Part1.pdf

Skandia - Our Processes. http://www.skandia.com/en/about/processes.shtml Standfield, Ken. Intangible Management Solving the Accounting and Management Crisis. Academic Press; 1st edition (July, 2002). http://www.standardsinstitute.org/kenstandfield.html

Bennet Stewart. What is EVA? http://www.sternstewart.com/evaabout/whatis.php

Also of note: N. Bontis & Fitz-enz, "ROI: a causal map of human capital antecedents and consequents." Journal of Intellectual Capital, (2002) 3 (3), pp. 223-247.

M'Pherson and Pike. Accounting, empirical measurement and intellectual capital 2001 http://www.intcap.com/ICS_Article_2001_Accounting_empirical_measurement_&_IC.pdf