DCMI Administrative Metadata Working Group

Name: DCMI Administrative Metadata Working Group
Type: Working Group
Status: Finished
Charter: The goal of the working group is to propose an element set for the management of metadata base on the work with "Admin Core - Administrative Container Metadata (A-Core)". To accomplish the definition of a new management of metadata element set, the working group will research existing practice by:
  • Collecting examples of current use of administrative metadata;
  • Working to discover existing, defined element sets for management of metadata;
  • Analysing these and using the results to propose an element set for management of metadata
Moderator/Chair: Leif Andresen
Established: 2000-10-06

News and Announcements

2004-12-13, The next F2F Working Group meeting for DC:Accessibility will be held in melbourne in the we February 7 - 11 2005. Those interested in attending in person or via telecommunications should contact Liddy Nevile.


Scheduled Milestone Description Editor/Contact Status/History
Admin Core - Administrative Container of Metadata (A-Core)   Renato Iannella,
Debbie Campbell
AC - Administrative Components - Dublin Core™ DCMI Administrative Metadata Draft
Jytte Hansen, Leif Andresen  
AC - Administrative Components - Dublin Core™ DCMI Administrative Metadata Draft
Jytte Hansen, Leif Andresen  
AC - Administrative Components - Dublin Core™ DCMI Administrative Metadata Final Proposal
Jytte Hansen, Leif Andresen  
AC - Administrative Components - Dublin Core™ DCMI Administrative Metadata Final specification
Jytte Hansen, Leif Andresen Final specification for publication


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