Best Practice Presentation: Use of Dublin Core metadata in railML - The standard for data exchange in the railway business
Title: | Use of Dublin Core metadata in railML - The standard for data exchange in the railway business |
Date: | 2020-09-18 15:00 |

Vasco Paul Kolmorgen
Active in the railway sector for over 20 years and co-founder of the non-profit organization, dedicated to developing an industry standard of data exchange and prototyping applicative softward for the railway sector. Currently also the owner of the company Bahnkonzept.
Active in the railway sector for over 20 years and co-founder of the non-profit organization, dedicated to developing an industry standard of data exchange and prototyping applicative softward for the railway sector. Currently also the owner of the company Bahnkonzept.
The presentation shall focus mainly on the use of Dublin Core metadata in railML and is therefore intended for developers or those with experience in the railway industry. It will also contain information on what railMK is, how it works, as well as who makes use of it.
railML functions on the principle of referencing existing usable standards instead of developing all aspects from scratch and it can therefore be seen as an application of Dublin Core. Since Dublin Core has its background in library science, it makes this a great example for collaborative open source work and cooperation spanning across ectors, which might otherwise not have much in common.