Panel: LRMI Metadata in use
Title: | LRMI Metadata in use |
Date: | 2020-09-25 15:00 |
Slides: |
brandt_redd.pdf |
Recording: | Watch on YouTube |

Adrian Pohl
North-Rhine Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz), Cologne, Germany
Adrian (@acka47) has been working at the North-Rhine Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz) in Cologne, Germany since 2008. He is responsible for the project management and the RDF data modeling of hbz’s linked open data service lobid. Adrian initiated the establishment of a German-speaking w orking group for OER metadata within the Competence Center for Interoperable Metadata (KIM) of the German Initiative for Network Information (DINI). Currently, he is involved in the development of an OER Search Index (OERSI) where his focus is on ETL processes. In the context of the OERSI project, he initiated the development of an LRMI profile within KIM to be used as OERSI index schema and as a recommendation for OER providers in the German-speaking world.
North-Rhine Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz), Cologne, Germany
Adrian (@acka47) has been working at the North-Rhine Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz) in Cologne, Germany since 2008. He is responsible for the project management and the RDF data modeling of hbz’s linked open data service lobid. Adrian initiated the establishment of a German-speaking w orking group for OER metadata within the Competence Center for Interoperable Metadata (KIM) of the German Initiative for Network Information (DINI). Currently, he is involved in the development of an OER Search Index (OERSI) where his focus is on ETL processes. In the context of the OERSI project, he initiated the development of an LRMI profile within KIM to be used as OERSI index schema and as a recommendation for OER providers in the German-speaking world.

Steve Midgley
Learning Tapestry
Steve Midgley is the founder and managing director of Learning Tapestry, an educational innovation company. Previously, he served as Deputy Director of Educational Technology for Arne Duncan at the US Department of Education, advising on education technology, interoperability standards and educational broadband infrastructure. He also served as the Director of Education at the FCC, where he headed the team that developed the Education policy for the National Broadband Plan. Steve is active on the boards of the nonprofit Literacy Lab and the foundation RaiseYou, and is an investor to and on the board of several for-profit organizations as well. Prior to government service, Steve ran the technology consulting firm Mixrun, providing consulting CTO services to organizations including the California Department of Education, Pearson, Amplify, the Gates Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and Danny Hillis’ Applied Minds.
Learning Tapestry
Steve Midgley is the founder and managing director of Learning Tapestry, an educational innovation company. Previously, he served as Deputy Director of Educational Technology for Arne Duncan at the US Department of Education, advising on education technology, interoperability standards and educational broadband infrastructure. He also served as the Director of Education at the FCC, where he headed the team that developed the Education policy for the National Broadband Plan. Steve is active on the boards of the nonprofit Literacy Lab and the foundation RaiseYou, and is an investor to and on the board of several for-profit organizations as well. Prior to government service, Steve ran the technology consulting firm Mixrun, providing consulting CTO services to organizations including the California Department of Education, Pearson, Amplify, the Gates Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and Danny Hillis’ Applied Minds.

Brandt Redd
MatchMaker Ed Labs
Brandt Redd is CTO for MatchMaker Ed Labs and coordinator of the EdMatrix directory of Learning Standards. He is a recognized authority in Learning Technology Strategy with expertise in personalized learning, competency-based learning, computer-adaptive assessment, and standards. Recently, Redd served as CIO at the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and, prior to that, as Senior Technology Officer for Education at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. His experience includes serving as CTO, chief scientist, senior software engineer, DBA, and co-founding two successful software companies. Redd is co-inventor of three patents.
MatchMaker Ed Labs
Brandt Redd is CTO for MatchMaker Ed Labs and coordinator of the EdMatrix directory of Learning Standards. He is a recognized authority in Learning Technology Strategy with expertise in personalized learning, competency-based learning, computer-adaptive assessment, and standards. Recently, Redd served as CIO at the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and, prior to that, as Senior Technology Officer for Education at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. His experience includes serving as CTO, chief scientist, senior software engineer, DBA, and co-founding two successful software companies. Redd is co-inventor of three patents.
The Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI) has defined a set of classes, properties and concept schemes for describing the educational characteristics of learning resources. These terms have been part of for several years, where they sit alongside other terms useful in educational resource description. The L RMI task group of DCMI continues its work to promote the use and improve the utility of LRMI metadata in the context of other efforts in education data management. This panel session is intended for anyone interested in describing learning resources using LRMI or using such metadata to create services for the management, dissemination, discovery, use and reuse of learning resources. It will start with a brief overview of LRMI as an introduction for anyone not familiar with it, and will include presentations from projects that have used LRMI in a national context to describe OER, to make curriculum content more reusable, and to match learning resources to learning objectives. We will describe how LRMI is currently being used in these projects, and discuss ideas for further opportunities, before opening for questions from the audience.