Webinars in 2022
Linking Challenges for Pseudonyms

Charlene Chou
This presentation examines and explores how to improve the linking relationships of persons with more than one identity in VIAF, LCNAF (LC National Authority File) and Wikidata through definition comparisons and case studies in terms of the semantic web.
Querying Wikidata: All the Knowledge in the World

Daniel Garijo Verdejo
Knowledge Graphs have become a common asset for representing world knowledge in data driven models and applications. Wikidata is one of the largest crowdsourced Knowledge Graphs, with over 90 million entities and 1.5 billion edges.
Centering Relationality in Indigenous Knowledge Organization

Sandy Littletree
In this talk, Dr. Littletree will discuss a conceptual framework that centers on the concept of relationality, a framework that can be used to understand Indigenous systems of knowledge in the LIS context.
Applying FAIR Principles to Ontologies

María Poveda-Villalón
About the webinar This webinar addresses ontologies for the semantic web and how FAIR principles could be applied to ontologies. This includes metadata best practices and registries to publish the ontologies as Linked Open Vocabularies.
Natural history data curation: maintaining infrastructures and turning documents into datasets.

Andrea Thomer
About the webinar Natural history collections constitute an important and complex knowledge infrastructure. The heterogeneous data in these collections include specimens, genomes, field notes, ecological monitoring data, and more -- all of which have huge potential for reuse in biodiversity, medicine, climate science, agriculture, and many other domains.