DCMI Glossary Task Force - telecon - Friday, 2010-05-07

    Mary Woodley, co-chair
    Tom Baker, co-chair
    Marcia Zeng
    Stefanie Ruehle

-- DC-GLOSSARY mailing list

-- DC-GLOSSARY wiki (contact Mary Woodley <[email protected]> for access)

-- DC-GLOSSARY charter

-- Existing DCMI Glossary, last published 2005 (part of User Guide)

-- Existing DCMI Glossary showing Mary's proposed changes (deletions)

Other glossaries:
-- DCMI Tools Glossary (2007 draft)

1) Review of charter (see attached)

2) 2010-03-03 telecon - Tom and Mary

   -- Rather than aspiring to be a comprehensive glossary that one 
      would consult upon coming across an unfamiliar term, we picture
      the glossary more as a short document, and therefore maintainable,
      written in an engaging style -- a sort of general introductory 
      document one might assign for a metadata class or print off for 
      reading on the train. We are therefore inclined to keep the number
      of entries small. For a sense of what the glossary might look like
      as a Web page, see [1].
   -- One of the problems the glossary should address is
      confusion over terminology, which has significantly evolved
      over the years, from "elements and qualifiers" through
      "encoding schemes" to "properties and datatypes", with historically
      interesting concepts along the way, such as "dumb-down principle".
      Rather than throw away the old concepts, we agreed to work for now
      with two files -- one (smaller) list of concepts in current use, and
      a somewhat longer list of legacy concepts. This picks up on a suggestion
      made in the Seoul Usage Board meeting by Joe Tennis [2]. Whether the
      legacy and current concepts would be listed in separate documents, 
      interleaved but clearly marked in one document, or combined in one
      document with clearly marked Current and Legacy sections, is a 
      question that for now can be postponed.

    [1] http://dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/glossary/
    [2] http://dublincore.org/usage/minutes/2009/2009-10-16.dcub-meeting-seoul-minutes.html

3) Stefanie's revision of Using Dublin Core™

4) Scope of glossary

-- DC-GLOSSARY wiki (contact Mary Woodley <[email protected]> for access)

-- Existing DCMI Glossary showing Mary's proposed changes (deletions)

5) Next steps


DCMI Glossary Task Force (2010-03-04)

Co-chairs: Mary Woodley and Tom Baker


    The DCMI Glossary was last updated as part of "Using Dublin
    Core" in November 2005 [1]. The 2005 glossary provided
    definitions and links to further information for 204
    glossary terms. In scope were concepts of relevance to
    "metadata" in a broad sense; an appendix included short
    descriptions of eleven other metadata standards related to
    Dublin Core™.

    The Glossary Task Force co-chairs propose to write an
    entirely new glossary - one that is much shorter and focused
    on concepts characteristic of or unique to DCMI usage.
    Rather than consider the glossary as a place primarily to
    "look up" concepts encountered elsewhere, the co-chairs
    envision the glossary as a short and engaging text that
    should be readable in its own right as an introduction to 
    Dublin-Core-style metadata -- one written to fit the 
    new reading styles of an online audience [4].

Work Plan

    Mary has reviewed the 2005 glossary and is preparing a list
    of the (relatively few) concepts that are candidates for carrying
    forward from the old glossary into the new [5]. Tom is
    preparing a list of more recent concepts to add to this
    shortlist. We plan to post this list to the dc-glossary
    list [2] and post an invitation to dc-general to participate
    in discussion.

    In light of its didactic nature, the editors see the
    glossary as an opportunity to coin new handles that capture
    and elucidate distinctions between "legacy" DCMI approaches
    and the current "semantic" or "linked-data" orientation.
    The editors therefore believe the glossary could serve as a
    useful focus for discussions in the DCMI community (Advisory
    Board, Oversight Committee, Usage Board, and general mailing
    lists) on clarifying DCMI's general message.

    Work on the glossary will proceed on a Dublin Core™ Glossary
    Update wiki [3].


    April: Post a shortlist of proposed glossary terms to the
    dc-glossary (and possibly dc-general), inviting suggestions
    and discussion.

    May: Prepare a draft to circulate for comment by the DCMI 
    community (Usage Board, Advisory Board, Oversight Committee,
    and the general public).

    June: Finalize a stable draft before the
    (Northern-hemisphere) summer season. Submit for Usage Board

    October: Discuss the draft Glossary at DC-2010 with
    interested parties, such as the DCMI Advisory Board and
    Usage Board for finalization as a DCMI Recommended Resource.

[1] http://dublincore.org/documents/2005/11/07/usageguide/glossary/
[2] http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/dc-glossary
[3] http://sites.google.com/site/dublincoreglossaryupdate/
[4] http://www.useit.com/alertbox/9710a.html
[5] http://library.csun.edu/mwoodley/DublinCore/glossary.shtml

Thomas Baker <[email protected]>