DCMI Type Working Group

DC Type Working Group - Proposal for Qualifier Usage

Date: 1999-09-07

Status: None

This report proposes an approach to the use of qualifiers for the element Resource Type in Dublin Core™ applications. This proposal has been formulated based on previous limited discussion and the chair's opinion of what seems to have emerged as consensus, as well as practical issues.



Since most implementors do not qualify RESOURCE TYPE with type qualifiers it is proposed that they not be used with one exception:

  • Note

This qualifier may be used to give additional information about the value of the Resource Type when necessary. Because there has been consensus that it is more useful to assign values from an enumerated list, a general note is practical to give additional information that may amplify or explain the particular resource type value. This qualifier is used by the Cooperative Online Resource Catalog (CORC) project.

Any other type qualifiers will be considered application-specific qualifiers, such as those used by the Australian Government Information Service (Qualifiers: Category, aggregationLevel, documentType, serviceType)


Proposal is to use an enumerated list of values and to specify the list being used.

In the absense of an application-specific list, DCT1 is provided as a general list. In cases where a specific list is used, best practice is to use a value from DCT1 in addition to any from the specific list. Many implementors tend to use their own lists of values for types, developed for their particular applications. The scheme qualifier is used to specify the specific list.

Future work:

It is proposed that the Type Working Group investigate existing lists of resource types to determine whether there exists one for general use that might be used to further specify types within the broad categories of DCT1. In addition it is proposed that it compile a document specifying existing lists of resource types for specific applications.

[1] DC Type Working Group Review of Resource Type Qualifier Usage
[2] List of Resource Types (DCT1)

Submitted 8 September 1999
Rebecca Guenther