LRMI Media Reports (2011-2013)


2013/11/08 | AEP
EdTech Digest Doubles Up on LRMI Coverage

EdTech Digest included LRMI-related articles on November 6 and 7, 2013. On
November 6, an article titled "Caution: Opportunity Ahead" by Tim Farquer
featured the Illinois Shared Learning Environment (ISLE) and its use of LRMI.
Farquer discussed how the ISLE "is designed to empower educators and learners
with integrated data and tools that drive student success from Pre-K to

In "The LRMI", an interview with LRMI Project Manager Dave Gladney appearing
on November 7, Victor Rivero asks about LRMI's history, value to both
educators and content providers, and current projects. Gladney described how
the LRMI can help educators find the resources they seek while also helping
content providers improve the online discoverability of their products and

2013/11/07 | AEP
LRMI Leaders Featured on Education Talk Radio

Larry Jacobs interviewed LRMI Project Manager Dave Gladney and Educational
Systemics President Michael Jay on November 7, 2013 on the topic of “[Ed
Resource Cataloging With LRMI](

2013/10/07 |AEP
EdNET Insight Article Features the Learning Registry, LRMI

"Imagine a world in which teachers can easily sift through the millions of
educational resources available online and find the materials that best meet
their needs," wrote LRMI Project Manager Dave Gladney in an article appearing
in the October 4, 2013, issue of _EdNET
. His article, titled "The Learning
Registry and the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative: Powerful Tools to
Personalize Learning," described how the Learning Registry and the LRMI can
combine to help make that possible.

Citing speakers from the LRMI workshop in Denver on September 22, Gladney gave
updates on both the Learning Registry and the LRMI. "The ever-growing body of
educational resources available through the Learning Registry, coupled with
the ability to pinpoint resources by criteria such as content area, age range,
and alignment with specific educational standards as allowed by LRMI metadata,
offers educators a powerful tool in the drive to provide personalized learning
opportunities to all students," concluded Gladney.

Click [here](
--powerful-tools-to-personalize-learning.html) to read the entire article.

2013/08/30 | AEP
LRMI Survey Report Draws Coverage

Coverage of the recently released LRMI survey report about educators' and
publishers' experiences, opinions, and frustrations when searching for and
tagging educational resources online has appeared in a number of media
outlets. The news release announcing the survey report was picked up by _Tech
& Learning
[eSchool News Online](
educational-content/), _Center for Digital Education
, and [Education Dive

The LRMI survey report, titled [Ease and Discoverability: Educators and
Publishers on the Search for Educational Content
August-2013-Update1.pdf), details results of separate surveys of educators and
publishers conducted in April 2012 and February 2013. Among the key findings
are the following:

  • Roughly two out of three educators believe that searching online for learning resources is too time consuming and yields too many irrelevant results.
  • Awareness of the LRMI nearly doubled among educational publishers between 2012 and 2013, rising from 46.6% to 85.9%.
  • More than half of the publishers surveyed in 2013 (55.3%) used metadata tagging, up from 47.4% in 2012.

Click [here](
/LRMI-Survey-Report-August-2013-Update1.pdf) to read the full survey report.

2013/08/12 | AEP
LRMI in the News

The LRMI has drawn recent coverage from a variety of news outlets. Debra
Donston-Miller provided an overview of the initiative and listed seven key
"things to know about LRMI" in an [Information Week
project-categorizes-educational-res/240159497?queryText=lrmi) appearing on
August 6.

Meanwhile, the LRMI's upcoming workshop in Denver on September 22 was featured
in [EdNET's News Alert](
/lrmi-to-host-free-education-metadata-workshop-in-september.html) on July 31.
The same news release also drew coverage in eSchool News Online, eCampus News
Online, and [Education Dive Online](
release/20130805-lrmi-launches-free-monthly-newsletter/). A news release about
the new LRMI Update monthly newsletter appeared in Education Dive Online on
August 5. The same news release also appeared on eSchoolNews Online.

Last, but not least, as noted in the LRMI blog post on August 9, LRMI Project
Manager Dave Gladney was featured in a Core of Education podcast taped during
ISTE. Listen to the podcast [here](

2013/07/31 | AEP
LRMI Featured in EdNET Insight

"In today's world, discoverability is a key to success for education
publishers," wrote Rosen Publishing's CEO and President, Roger Rosen, in a
Voice From the Industry column for EdNET Insight on July 19. "If patrons
cannot easily find your products when conducting online searches for learning
resources, they won’t buy or use them." To read the complete text of Rosen's
comments from EdNET Insight, click [here](

2013/01/18 | AEP
LRMI Featured in T.H.E. Journal

The LRMI is featured in a four-page article titled "Sifting the Data" by John
K. Waters in the January 2013 issue of T.H.E. Journal. The article provides
a great overview of the LRMI’s work and includes interviews with LRMI Project
Manager Dave Gladney of the Association of Educational Publishers (AEP), early
adopter Roger Rosen of Rosen Publishing, and AEP President Lee Wilson. Access
the full article [here](


2012/11/05 | AEP
The LRMI: Part of a "Potent Alphabet Soup"

In an article published on November 2nd by EdSurge News, consultant and
author Frank Catalano describes a "potent alphabet soup" of initiatives that
may reconfigure the "underlying plumbing" for digital learning content.
Catalano gives capsule summaries of the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative
(LRMI), Learning Registry, and Shared Learning Infrastructure (SLI).

In the article, Catalano also offers his estimate of what he calls the
"Industry Cluelessness Factor" (ICF) for each of these initiatives. According
to Catalano, the LRMI has the broadest level of industry awareness, with an
ICF of 50%. Meanwhile, he assigns cluelessness factors of 70% to the Learning
Registry and and even higher 90% to the Shared Learning Infrastructure,
developed under the aegis of the Shared Learning Collaborative.

Catalano says content companies should pay attention to the LRMI because once
its specification has been approved by, the major search engines
will begin using it in delivering search results. "If you don’t use LRMI tags,
your digital content may not be as discoverable in the major search engines
where many educators begin looking for classroom materials," writes Catalano.
"Not taking part in LRMI may hurt your content's SEO."

To learn more, read the [full article](
from EdSurge News.

2012/10/23 | AEP
LRMI, EASE Draw Media Coverage

Both the LRMI and its month-long Easy Access and Search for Education (EASE)
awareness campaign continue to draw interest from media outlets. See the
recent coverage in Scholastic Administrator,, and T.H.E.
Digital Edition.

There's still time to participate in the EASE campaign, which continues
through the end of October. To express your opinions about online search,
visit the EASE webpage. Participants will be entered for a chance to win a $25
Amazon gift card. Five prizes will be awarded each week of the program.

2012/10/16 | AEP
Latest LRMI Media Coverage

The LRMI is drawing increasing notice and coverage from a variety of a media
outlets. _EdNET Insight_ covered
the LRMI twice in its October 12 issue. For one thing, the newsletter included
the LRMI’s recent news release about its expanded Proof of Concept tagging
project (see Featured News, bottom item). In the same issue, Nelson Heller
mentioned the LRMI in his column on “Big Data in K-12: Attack of the
Recommendation Engines – Part 1".

Meanwhile, Electronic Education Report included an update article about the
LRMI on page 5 of its October 15 issue.

2012/10/08 | AEP
EASE Campaign Spotlighted

The LRMI's Easy Access and Search for Education (EASE) campaign, which invites
educators to speak out for effective online search for educational resources,
drew recent mentions in District Administration

(look under "Industry News") and in the online edition of Tech &
in the
"News and Trends" section on page 15.

To learn more about the EASE awareness campaign, which runs throughout the
month of October, read this [press release](
awareness-campaign-gives-educators-voice-in-improving-online-search). To
express your opinion about online search, visit the EASE
. Participants will be entered for a chance
to win a $25 Amazon gift card. Five prizes will be awarded each week of the

2012/10/08 | AEP
LRMI Proof of Concept Draws Media Coverage

Phase II of the LRMI's Proof of Concept project drew recent coverage in
[District Administration Daily](
/education-metatagging-project-enters-phase-two), [Education Dive
enters-phase-two/60100/), and Education Talk
(scroll about halfway down
the page). Thirteen companies are participating in the LRMI's POC Phase II,
which aims to document best practices for tagging to the LRMI specification
and provide support for publishers by helping them understand the “real world”
application of the LRMI. To date, 616 resources have been evaluated, tagged,
and aligned, with plans for another 450+ resources in upcoming rounds of

To learn more, read the [full release](

2012/09/27 | AEP
LRMI Featured in Podcasts

The LRMI and its new Easy Access and Search for
(EASE) awareness campaign were featured
in two podcasts on September 26--one produced by TeacherCast and one by
Education Talk Radio. Listen in to hear the latest updates on the LRMI and to
learn about the EASE campaign, which runs throughout October 2012 to give
educators a chance to speak out for improved online search for educational

2012/09/10 | AEP
LRMI: An Acronym to Remember

Tech & Learning - August 29, 2012. The Learning Resource Metadata
Initiative (LRMI) was featured as a "New Acronym to Remember" in the "News and
Trends" section of the September 2012 issue of Tech & Learning. To see the
brief article (and the entire issue), click
note that free registration is required).

**2012/09/10 | AEP

LRMI: A Key to Search Success**

District Administration – August 23, 2012. In a "Curriculum Update" article
titled "Find Better Success on Search Engines This Fall," Marion Herbert cites
the results of the educator survey conducted by the LRMI in spring 2012,
pointing out that only 25% of educators described their online searches as
"generally successful".

Herbert then provides a brief overview of the LRMI’s mission and the status of
its work. She quotes Dave Gladney, project manager of the LRMI at AEP, who
notes that the next major milestone for the LRMI will be the soon-expected
adoption by

[Read the full article](

2012/08/27 | AEP
Metadata--The Big Data of the Educational Resource Community

EdNET Insight - August 24, 2012. In a "Voice From the Industry" column,
Association of Educational Publishers CEO Charlene Gaynor discusses the
importance of big data in educational publishing and describes the work of the
Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI) in creating a standard for
tagging educational content online to help educators and students more easily
find exactly the resources they need.

[Read the complete article](

2012/07/16 | AEP
Podcast spotlights the LRMI recently featured the Learning
Resource Metadata Initiative in a 3-minute podcast segment from the ISTE
conference. Podcast host Jeff Bradbury interviewed AEP CEO Charlene Gaynor
about the organization in general, and LRMI Project Manager Dave Gladney
discussed the LRMI demonstrations taking place at ISTE. The AEP segment
appears at the 30:30 mark. Listen below. (If you don’t see the audio player,
click here.)

2012/07/03 | AEP
How Will Student Data Be Used?

MindShift, KQED's education blog — July 3, 2012

Frank Catalano describes—as succinctly as possible—the Shared Learning
Infrastructure and the Shared Learning Collaborative and where LRMI fits in.

"…a new initiative, supported by state education leaders and funded by
prominent foundations, plans to provide a place in the cloud for each state to
store all data for every student, using 'free' open source software. And, in
the process, student achievement information will be connected to
instructional apps and web resources. That is, as long as the effort can
address concerns about technology, privacy, and whether enough education
companies will want to build products for a system that could undermine parts
of their own businesses.”

[Read the full story](

2012/06/28 | AEP
Survey Results Show Need for More Targeted Results When Searching Online for
Learning Resources

District Administration Daily--June 18, 2012 Educators need faster ways to
find the resources they are looking for, and resource providers want better
discoverability on the Internet, according to results from recent surveys
conducted by the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative.

[View the full story](

2012/06/08 | AEP
LRMI Survey Results

EdNET Insight – June 8, 2012 Both educators and publishers see discoverability
as a problem regarding online searches for educational resources, according to
surveys conducted in April by the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative
(LRMI). Anne Wujcik’s article gives an overview of the survey findings. [View
the full story](

2012/06/07 | AEP
Survey: Educators, Publishers Agree on Need for Improved Web Search

Education Week’s Digital Education Blog – June 7, 2012

Both educators and publishers appear to agree that the efficacy of Web
searches for educational content has substantial room for improvement,
according to survey results released by the LRMI. The article by Ian Quillen
goes on to discuss highlights from the survey of educators and publishers.
[View the full story](

Metadata acronyms – MLR or LRMI?

This post on e-learning standards, a blog run by the Australian-based NSW
Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre, explores two metadata projects that
have evolved in parallel: Metadata for Learning Resources (MLR) and LRMI.

According to the author, Evan Bailey, MLR aims to "harmonise [sic] both LOM
and Dublin Core™ metadata, as it tries to enable both the 'learning object'
aspects of LOM and the "entity-relationship model of the Semantic Web and the
Dublin Core™ Abstract Model’ (HOEL and MASON (2011) p 6)."

It's important to note that Bailey misstates the relationship between and LRMI–the search engines in no way "promote" or support LRMI. If
they choose to recognize the LRMI spec as the learning resource extension to, perhaps it could be said they endorse the work. But in its
proposal stage, they have not shown particular support one way or the other.

[Read the post here](

2012/04/12 | AEP
Press Release: Survey Seeks to Gauge Educators’ Satisfaction with Internet

eSchool News – April 12, 2012

Based on an AEP press release, this article provides information about the
survey sent to educators in April 2012 to gather information and views about
their experience conducting Internet searches for learning resources.

[View the full story](


2011/12/22 | AEP
Top 10 Stories in Education in 2011

Huffington Post – December 22, 2011

This article describes the top 10 stories in the area of educational
technology for 2011 (including LRMI), as selected by Meredith Ely for the
Huffington Post.

[View the full story](

LRMI: After the meeting

Phil Barker shares his initial thoughts on LRMI after the technical working
group kickoff meeting on September 7, 2011. This provides a good summary of
the scope of the project as it boils down to:

  1. What keywords someone will type into a search box, and
  2. What information will be displayed in an inch or two of screen space dedicated to a search result.

[Read the post here](

2011/09/08 | AEP
Learning resource metadata initiative

LRMI technical working group member Phil Barker (JISC CETIS) shares some
initial thoughts on the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative ahead of the
working groups first official meeting.

[Read the post here](

2011/07/18 | AEP
Creative Commons, AEP Team for K-12 Metadata Search Framework, T.H.E.

T.H.E. Journal – July 18th, 2011

A new alliance between Creative Commons and the
Association of Educational Publishers (AEP) seeks to
create a metadata framework targeted toward improving Web search results for
K-12 learning resources.

View the full

2011/07/17 | AEP
AEP, Creative Commons Join Forces to Improve Educational Internet Searches,
School Library Journal

School Library Journal – June 14th, 2011

Educational experts are working on a new way to help librarians and teachers
tag digital instructional material, making it easier for them to locate,
download, and share research and lesson plans.

[View the full story](

2011/06/09 | AEP
Searching for Educational Resources Online Is About to Get Much Easier, GOOD

GOOD Education – June 9th, 2011

One of the frustrating things about search engines has always been the random
hodgepodge of results you get after you click "search." That's especially true
for people looking for educational resources online. If you type in
"chemistry," links to dating sites pop up as well as a whole host of science-
related content. Now Creative Commons and the Association of Educational
Publishers are teaming up to establish the Learning Resources Framework
common education content framework which hopes to provide better search
results for learning-related material on the web.

[View the full story](

2011/06/08 | AEP
Improving Web Searches for Students, Inside Higher Ed

Inside Higher Ed – June 8th, 2011

The problem with students using Google is not that the search giant is
incapable of retrieving useful educational content. It’s that finding that
content using simple search terms is a difficult art to master.

[View the full story](

2011/06/08 | AEP
Online Searches for Educational Resources to Improve, World of Learning

World of Learning – June 8th, 2011

One of the tools search engines use to help serve you the best information is
relevance. Vastly oversimplified, this means that if you do a search on the
word "blue", search engines crawl through sites looking for content that
contain the word "blue". They know that content with "blue" in the headline,
URL or first paragraph is more important that something with "blue" at the
bottom of a page or in a caption. Even with that logic, a search on "blue"
will get you more than 2 billion results.

What if you're searching online for resources to use in a classroom? No one
wants to wade through 2 billion results. Things are about to get a lot better
for educators.

[View the full story](

2011/06/07 | AEP
Project to Set Educational Metadata Standards Launched, Education Week

Education Week – June 7th, 2011

The Association of Educational Publishers and
Creative Commons announced Tuesday an
initiative that would create a standard coding language for all searchable
educational content on the Web.

[View the full story](