DCMI 2022 Conference Programme

Virtual via Zoom. All sessions are based on UTC -7 (Pacific Daylight Time).

Links will be shared with registered participants later.

Monday, 3 October - Conference Day 1

UTC: 15:30-15:45

PDT: 08:30-08:45

Welcome address

Chair: Sam Oh

UTC: 15:45-17:15

PDT: 08:45-10:15


Clinical Data Standardization for Learning Healthcare Systems

Hongfang Liu, Mayo Clinic

Javed Mostafa

UTC: 17:15-17:30

PDT: 10:15-10:30

Coffee break

UTC: 17:30-19:00

PDT: 10:30-12:00

Research Papers: Identities and Identity Management in Metadata

[Session 1]

Moderator: Jian Qin


Full paper:  Automated Parsing of Personal Identity Facets for a Collection of Visual Images

Authors: Brian Dobreski, Melissa Resnick and Benjamin Horne


Short paper:  What’s in a Name?: A Cross-Section of Biography, Gender & Metadata in Cultural and Performing Arts Databases

Authors: Tyne Daile Sumner, Nat Cutter and Rachel Fensham


Short paper:  “Language is never complete’’: LGBT2QIA+ Creators on Metadata

Authors: Julia Bullard, Rio Picollo and Gerry Goh


Panel: Comparative Classification

[Session 2]

Moderator: Joseph Busch


In this session panelists will present their ideas about how to compare classifications 1) where there are multiple editions over time, and 2) where there are various schemes covering the same domain. Then they will discuss whether there are universal characteristics for comparison of classifications, for example, how the concepts are arranged and described.



Joseph Busch, Taxonomy Strategies ([email protected])

Mark Butler, University of California, Berkeley ([email protected])

Aida Slavic, Universal Decimal Classification ([email protected])

Joseph Tennis, University of Washington ([email protected])

UTC: 19:00-20:00

PDT: 12:00 - 13:00


UTC: 20:00-21:30

PDT: 13:00 - 14:30


Research Papers: Metadata Models, Services, and Ethics

[Session 3]

Moderator: TBD


Full paper: An OLAC Perspective on Services: The Forgotten Language Resources

Author: Hugh Paterson


Short paper: Practicing Care: A Look at the Application of Care Ethics to Metadata Creation and Remediation

Author: Kiley Jolicoeur


Short paper: OCLC’s Model in WorldCat: A Focus on Relationships

Authors: Michael Phillips, Jeff Mixter and Kathryn Stine


Panel: Metadata for Statistical Data

[Session 4]

Moderator: TBD



Daniel Gillman

David Barraclough



UTC: 21:30-21:45

PDT: 14:30 - 14:45

Coffee break


UTC: 21:45-23:30

PDT: 14:45 - 16:30


Panel: Metadata for Visual Media Arts – Manga/Comics, Game, Animation

[Session 5]

Moderator: Shigeo Sugimoto



Jin-ha Lee, University of Washington

Ikki Omukai,

Magnus Pfeffer, Stuttgart Media University             

Marcia Zeng, Kent State University


Panel: Metadata that Sustains Local Archives for the Global Community

[Session 6]

Moderator: Sam Oh



Karen Coyle, University of California Berkeley

Sophie Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Anne Gilliland,  University of California Los Angeles

Jihyun Kim



Tuesday, 4 October - Conference Day 2

UTC: 15:30-17:00

PDT: 08:30-10:00

Research Papers: Metadata as Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs

[Session 7]

Moderator: Brian Dobresky


Full paper: Application Profile Driven Data Acquisition for Knowledge Graph and Linked Data Generation in Crowdsourced Data Journalism

Authors: Nishad Thalhath, Mitsuharu Nagamori and Tetsuo Sakaguchi


Short paper: 'China Art in the Museums Overseas': Metadata Aggregation of Chinese Digital Collections Images

Authors: Xilong Hou, Hua Jian and Xiaoguang Wang


Short paper: Metadata and Ontology Design for Protection and Utilization of Great Sites

Authors: Li Si, Jing Zhou and Yao Liu

Panel: BIBFRAME Implementation  Experiences

[Section 8]

Moderator:  Marie-Claude Côté


Sally McCallum, Library of Congress

Niklas Lindström, National Library of Sweden

Tiziana Possemato, Share-VDE


UTC: 17:00-17:15

PDT: 10:00-10:15

Coffee break

UTC: 17:15-18:45

PDT: 10:15-11:45

Panel: The Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework: Coordinating Standards for Scalable, Practical FAIR Sharing

[Session 9]

Moderator:  Simon Hodson




Arofan Gregory, CODATA and DDI Alliance

Overview of Requirements and Potential Candidate Standards for a Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework


Flavio Rizzolo, Statistics Canada and DDI Alliance

The Structural Description of Data: DDI-CDI and the Variable Cascade


Franck Cotton/Christophe Dzikowski

Examples: The Coordinated Use of Standards for Data Production and Dissemination


Simon Hodson, CODATA

Looking Forward: Planned and Needed Work (short presentation and then discussion


Research Papers: Metadata in Domain Applications

[Session 10]

Moderator: TBD


Full paper: Map4Scrutiny – A Linked Open Data Solution for Politicians Interest Registers

Authors: Inês Lopes, Ana Alice Batista and Óscar Atanázio Afonso


Short paper: Automatic metadata creation, machine aided indexing, taxonomy

Authors: Xiaoli Ma, Chelsea Dinsmore, Dave Van Kleeck and Laura Perry


Short paper: Rubbings, metadata schemes, comparison

Authors: Li Yang and Margaret Kipp


UTC: 18:45-20:00

PDT: 11:45 - 13:00


UTC: 20:00-21:00

PDT: 13:00-14:00

Research Papers: Open and FAIR Bibliographic Metadata

[Session 11]

Moderator: Marie-Claude Côté


Short paper: openWEMI

Author: Karen Coyle


Short paper: How FAIR is MARC?: FAIR data principles and bibliographic data

Authors: Brian Dobreski, Heather Moulaison-Sandy and Bradley Wade Bishop

UTC: 21:00-21:30

PDT: 14:00-14:30

Flash Talks -- Poster Presentations

[Session 12]

Moderator: Alasdair MacDonald


Linked Open Data Enabled Bibliographical Data (LODE-BD) 3.0

Authors: Imma Subirats and Marcia Zeng


Improvement of metadata interoperability for promoting distribution and utilization of Japanese digital cultural resources

Authors: Daichi Machiya, Michiko Takahashi and Yuka Koguchi


Research on the construction and application of the semantic-based ontology model for biographical data

Authors: Li Si and Yao Liu


Mapping BIBFRAME with RDA for Representative Expression of LRM

Mihwa Lee


UTC: 20:00-21:30

PDT: 13:00-14:30

Panel: Cultural and Linguistic Challenges of Metadata Creation

[Session 17]

Moderator: Marcia Lei Zeng



Shigeo Sugimoto, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Catherine Barnes, University of South Australia

Sophy Shu-Jiun Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Wei Fan, Sichuan University, China



UTC: 21:30-21:45

PDT: 14:30 - 14:45

Coffee break

UTC: 21:45-23:30

PDT: 14:45-16:30

Core Cultural Metadata Model (CCMM) Workshop

[Session 14]

Chair: Shigeo Sugimoto



Best Practices Part 1

[Session 15]

Moderator:  TBD


Use Ontology to Promote the Demonstration of Digital Memory: From Data Visualization to Immersive Interactive Experience

Cuijuan Xia, Shanghai Library, China


NLK's follow-up project for an automatic Subject Indexing and the role of metadata librarian

Lee Miso


Modeling Fieldwork Data of Human Ecology: A Case Study of the Social and Cultural Survey of Rural Taiwan

Sophy Shu-Jiun Chen, Academia Sinica


Knowledge transfer in agriculture and maintenance of the AGROVOC thesaurus

Daniel Martini


Hashtagging: CLAPAM Facebook Page Social Metadata Usage

Mazwani Ayu Mazlan




Wednesday, 5 October - Conference Day 3

UTC: 15:30-17:15

PDT: 08:30-10:15

Student Forum (Open Session)

[Session 16]

Chair: Ying-Hsang Liu


Community-Focused Metadata: Exploring Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside Research Access Portal

Shannon Murray


A Metadata Workflow for Digitizing Community Archives

Heather Owen, Brendan Honick and Qiaoyi Liu


Comparing MTI Indexing at the NLM to Human Indexing: A Pilot Study

Eileen Chen


Makerspace Metadata Schema

Katie Colson and Cora Godfrey


Digital Reunite for the Overseas Bronzes from Ancient China in Linked Open Data Environment

Shupei Wang, Yijun Gao and Suhan Ding  

UTC: 15:30-17:15

PDT: 08:30-10:15

Best Practices Part 2

[Session 13]

Moderator: TBD


Toward interoperable semantic data models: Knowledge graph of cultural collections for digital research in art history

Florian Kräutli


Extracting and describing seals in digital images of Chinese rare books

Haiqing Lin, UC Berkeley, USA


Best Practices and Lessons Learned Databases versus actively changing rules and SOPS as they are identified

John Antill, Kent State University, USA


Digital images as data and metadata: description requirements for information retrieval and semantic interoperability

Joana Rodrigues


The Current Research Information System of Brazil (BrCris)

Washington Segundo

UTC: 17:15-17:30

PDT: 10:15-10:30

Coffee break

UTC:  17:30-19:00

PDT: 10:30-12:00

Panel: Metadata and Knowledge Graphs

[Session 18]

Moderator:  Jian Qin




Jeff Mixter, OCLC Research

Creating, managing, and using cultural heritage linked data


Mike Lauruhn, Elsevier



Daniel Garijo, University of Southern California

From Code Repositories to searchable Knowledge Graphs or Research Software Metadata


UTC: 19:00-20:00

PDT: 12:00 - 13:00


UTC: 20:00-21:30

PDT: 13:00-14:30

Panel: DCMI Community Updates (Open Session)

[Session 19]

Moderator: Alasdair MacDonald


UTC: 21:30-21:45

PDT: 14:30-14:45

Coffee break

UTC: 21:45-22:45

PDT: 14:45-15:45







UTC: 22:45-23:00

PDT: 15:45-16:00

Closing Keynote: Data Stewardship Principles and Potentials: Knowledge Organization for Contextual Integrity and Convergence

Carole Palmer, University of Washington


[Session 20]

Moderator:  Jian Qin


Closing Remarks

[Session 21]

Chair: Sam Oh




Thursday-Friday, 6-7 October - Conference Day 4-5

(Community Events. Free Registration separate from DC2022)

6-7 October

UTC: 16:00-20:00

PDT: 09:00-13:00

NKOS Workshop

Chair: Joseph Busch


6 October

UTC: 21:00-00:00

PDT: 14:00-17:00

Tutorial: Using Dublin Core Tabular Application Profiles (DCTAP) (Open Session)

Instructors: Karen Coyle, John Huck




Register for DCMI 2022

Use the online registration portal to register for DCMI 2022. Registration for all open sessions is free.