Revised recommendations for DCMI DCSV, DCMI Period, DCMI Point and DCMI Box published

Following a public comment period, revised specifications for DCMI DCSV, DCMI Period, DCMI Point, and DCMI Box have superseded older versions as DCMI Recommendations.

DCMI Status report March 2006 published

2006-03-13, Makx Dekkers, DCMI Managing Director, has published a new status report of the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative, covering the period September 2005 to March 2006. Read the report...

Documentation contracts awarded

2006-03-13, In order to improve the availability of basic user documentation, the DCMI Directorate has awarded contracts to Andy Powell (Eduserv Foundation, UK) and Pete Johnston (UKOLN, University of Bath, UK) for a revision of the existing guidelines for implementing Dublin Core™ in XML; to Mikael Nilsson (Knowmania HB, Sweden) for a revision of the guidelines for expressing Dublin Core™ in RDF; and to the information consultant Barbara Gorson for a packet of basic introductory materials on Dublin Core™. Revised versions of the encoding guidelines for XML and RDF are expected to be posted for public comment in the next months.

Next steps for revision of the DCMI Type Vocabulary

2006-03-13, Public comment was held from 8 December 2005 to 31 January 2006 on a set of proposed editorial changes to terms in the DCMI Type Vocabulary. The comments received during this period are reported in a tabular summary and will be discussed at a meeting of the DCMI Usage Board on 29-30 April 2006.

Next steps for revisions of DCMI DCSV, DCMI Period, DCMI Point and DCMI Box

2006-03-13, The public comment period on revisions to the legacy DCSV specifications has resulted in suggestions for minor editorial revisions. When finalized, these documents will replace the older legacy specifications as DCMI Recommendations.

Public Comment for DCMI DCSV, DCMI Period, DCMI Point and DCMI Box

2006-02-13, The Usage Board has updated the specifications for DCMI DCSV, DCMI Period, DCMI Point, and DCMI Box to bring their language in line with the DCMI Abstract Model. These changes have been posted for a 30-day comment period, after which they will replace the legacy DCMI Recommendations. More information...

XML schemas updated

2006-01-16, The XML schemas published on the XML Schemas page have been updated to include support for new terms recently approved by the Usage Board.

DC-2005 Tutorial slides now available in PDF

2006-01-16, The slides of the Tutorials that were given at DC-2005 are now available in PDF from the Training section of the DCMI Web site.